April 05, 2007

What happened later


I hope that you are enjoying the story so far for there is much importance to this tale. And so I shall continue.

When the king awakened from his sleep he found that the gem had nearly doubled in size and when he arose he realized that he was taller, for in fact he was only five feet tall. He had grown to be approximately seven feet tall. When he realized this he searched his body for any other changes and soon learned that his sight was much enhanced even though he was in a dimly light room. He also learned that his hearing was more acute for he could hear birds chirping outside the mountain( and this was no mere act for the king was no less than one mile into the mountainside). His sense of smell was enhanced as well as his taste, he later observed. This made the king overjoyed. He started to sing of his happiness and when he opened his mouth to utter the first note he did not hear the usual English that he normally was used to but instead he heard a language that was strangely powerful yet at the same time soft and beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. This is fasinating! How was this recorded and passed down?

    In Christ,



I am very interested in your thoughts and suggestions for my stories and I also welcome ideas for new ones. I do, however, need to emphasize that I do not approve of swearing or inappropriate talk whatsoever. If what you have to say can not be said in an honoring and respectful way, then I really don't want to hear it. Thank you.